August 03, 2012

Statement of the Georgian National Communications Commission

The Georgian National Communications Commission responds to the statement made by Kakha Bekauri, general director of 9th Channel regarding the obligation imposed by the law in the pre-election period.

According to Kakha Bekauri the Commission’s Decision that TV companies have to apply to cable transit companies and after that they are obligated to place the channel in their package is not right. The list of cable broadcasters is not available for TV companies and this will prolong the process of switching the channels.

The commission explains that Mr. Bekauri’s statement is not corresponding to truth because on June 29 Mr. Bekauri applied to the Commission in writing for the list of all authorized entities. On July 4 the Commission satisfied the 9th Channel’s director’s written request and sent the list of authorized entities to him. For now an exact list of legal and actual addresses of entities authorized for transit of broadcasting and other data is available on the Commission’s website.


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