May 04, 2015 16:04

The Commission will review a complaint submitted by TV-Company “Rioni” against TV-Company “Mega TV” on May 14th

GNCC has begun proceedings in regards to the complaint submitted by TV-Company “Rioni” against TV-Company “Mega TV.”  

“Rioni” is disputing a circumstance, which exposes the name of the same employee from the composition of both bodies of “Mega TV” - Self-Regulatory Body and the Ethics and Appeal Council. In accordance with the “Code of Conduct for Broadcasters,” in order to get effective self-regulatory mechanism, member of the Appellate Body must not take a part in reviewing the decision in the Self- Regulatory Body. The Appellate Body shall be composed with independent, unbiased and competent persons. As TV-Company ”Rioni” clarifies, an employee of “Mega TV” can’t be considered as independent and unbiased. Also, TV-Company “Rioni” disputes the grievance procedure violations by the self-regulatory body of “MegaTV”.

The Commission, in accordance with the Georgian Law “on Broadcasting,” has begun proceedings in regards to the complaint submitted by TV-Company “Rioni” against TV-Company “Mega TV.” The public hearing session, where parties of the dispute will be able to protect their positions and present arguments, will be held at the Commission on May 14, 2015 at 16:00 pm. The session is public.


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