July 07, 2014 13:37

Term for Submission of Documents of Participants in Radio Broadcasting Contest in Rustavi Extended for One Week

The Georgian National Communications Commission by the decision of July 3 extended the term for submission of documents of participants in the contest announced for issuance of private general radio broadcasting license in Rustavi for one week, till July 14, 2014, 17:00.

The basis for extension of the term became the technical inaccuracy detected in the decision (June 5, 2014) on announcement of contest for issuance of private general radio broadcasting license in Rustavi.

It follows from that the term for submission of documents of participants in the contest extended till July 14, 2014, 17:00. Preparatory session of the contest, where the sealed documentation of participants will be opened publicly, will be held on July 17, 2014, at 13:00. Public hearing, where the Broadcasting Regulation Department of the Commission will present the conclusion regarding the contest applications, will be held on August 14, at13:00. The contest where the winner company will be identified is scheduled on August 18, 2014, at 13:00.

We remind you that the Georgian National Communications Commission announced the contest for radio broadcasting license in Rustavi (FM 100.6) on the basis of a request of Newcom Ltd.

 According to the license terms minimal duration of broadcasting must be 12 hours a day and minimal program requirement is broadcasting of informational and social-political programs.


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