December 04, 2014 13:26

The Commission approved the report of the Freedom of Information

GNCC has approved a report on fulfillment of requirements in accordance with the Chapter III of the General Administrative Code of Georgia (Freedom of Information).

The report contains collected correspondence gathered in the Commission from December 1, 2013 to December 1, 2014, requested for the purpose to release public information. During this period, the Commission received total of 292 letters requesting to release the public information.

The main part of the messages reflect the request to release the following information: protocols of the Commission’s sessions, protocol statements, certified copies of the decisions made by the Commission, licenses, the certificates of authorizations, administrative materials, various information about the licensees, authorized persons, the Commission employees, as well as, the materials in connection with finances. Also, statistical data and various types of public information.

During the reporting period, from 292 letters up to the time of report preparation (December 1, 2014) the response was given to 276 letters, as for the 16 letters, they are being transferred to the different departments of the Commission in order to be processed and give respond within the time frame envisaged by the law. For the past year, the Commission never once made any decision refusing to release the public information.

During the reporting period, on the Commission’s official website ( 74 documents were published for public review about document submission and public hearing sessions. 49 public hearing sessions have been conducted where the Commission has reviewed 85 issues. The Commission’s sessions are open to the public and any person interested in the subject matter is welcome to attend them. The resolutions and decisions adopted by the Commission are regularly published on the web page and, therefore, are provided to the public.

Also, on May 06, 2014, the amendment was made in "the rules regulating the activities of the Georgian National Communications Commission," obligating to adopt proactive disclosure of public information and the standards for requesting the electronic public information. Based on this rule, the Commission provides proactive distribution of public information using its own electronic resource (the Commission’s web page

At GNCC, person responsible in providing public with access to the public information is the Chairman of the Commission.


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