April 01, 2015 18:49

The Commission explains

Today, on April 1st, TV company “Rustavi 2” has interrupted the broadcasting coverage with a commercial during cabinet meeting of the government of Georgia while Georgian Prime Minister was addressing public live. The news anchor stated: “TV company is forced to insert a commercial cut since it is required by the Georgian Law “on Broadcasting” that came into effect today.”

 GNCC emphasizes, amendments that have been made in the Georgian Law “on Broadcasting” for the purpose to regulate commercial advertising that in fact did come into effect today, does not provide such obligations. The company determines its own broadcasting net and decides whether to air speeches of high-ranking officials live or not.

Since December 2004, day the parliament of Georgia has adopted the Georgian Law “on Broadcasting,” pursuant to Article 63, paragraph 11, it is prohibited to interrupt live broadcasting with a commercial or teleshopping  of an official government event, the public appearance of a high-ranking official etc.

The Commission is currently studying whether the interruption of Prime Minister’s live speech during cabinet meeting of the Parliament of Georgia with a commercial cut by the broadcasters “Rustavi2” and “Maestro” are in compliance with the Georgian Law “on Broadcasting. Additional remarks to be made later. 


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