October 11, 2014

The Commission has established new interconnection tariff for the mobile market


Gncc has established new interconnection  (wholesale) tariff cap for the mobile market based on a study -analysis. The new tariff applies to 3 mobile network carriers “Magticom,” “Geocell” and “Beeline.”

According to the Commission’s decision, effective january 1, 2015, the interconnection (wholesale) tariff cap for the mobile market is set to be 3.5 Tetri.

Please note that, at a given moment, mobile network carriers “Mobitell” (Beeline), “Magticom” and “Geocell” have interconnection tariff cap of 5 Tetri.

In accordance with the Georgian law “on Electronic Communications”  GNCC, based on its decision is empowered to identify authorized undertakings having significant market power on the relevant segments of the market and to impose on them specific obligations, including tariff caps.. The Comission,  based on a study-analysis for the past 10 years has overlooked the interconnection tariff for the mobile market not once and step by step decreased its rate from 22.8 Tetri to 3.5 Tetri.

By the Commission’s decision, all three mobile network carriers were assigned to publish newly established tariff plans on their websites 1 month prior to the interconnection tariff  enactment.

Please visit Commission’s decision page  to see the full version of the decision.



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