February 05, 2015 14:23

The Commission has issued written warnings upon broadcasters “Rustavi 2,” “Imedi” and Radio “Imedi” for the placement of improper advertisement and has defined “Geocell” and “Kula” as improper advertisement commissioners

Today, during the session held on February 5, 2015, GNCC has issued written warnings upon the TV companies “Rustavi 2” and “Imedi,” while mobile operator “Geocell” has been defined as a commissioner of an improper advertisement.

The advertisement of the mobile operator “Geocell” has aired through both TV companies featuring anchors and journalists of several news and social-political programs. In accordance with the Georgian Law “on Broadcasting,” the participation of anchors and journalists of news and social-political programs in the commercial advertising is prohibited. As for the advertisement commissioner mobile operator “Geocell” itself, the Commission has defined the company as a commissioner of an improper advertisement, however, failed to impose sanctions due to the lack of relevant authority envisaged by the Georgian legislation.

At the same session, the Commission has issued a written warning upon Radio “Imedi” for placing the weapon advertisement. The weapon ad was placed through Radio “Imedi” by the “Kula” Ltd with the following narrative: “Caliber wishes you a happy 2015 and offers an unprecedented sale- Beret, Benelli, Glock and Cheze brand rifles at the lowest price, if another store offers you lower priced products, Caliber will compensate the difference, all costumers will be given a present, for an information please call…..” Pursuant to article 10 of the Georgian Law “on Advertising” fighting weapons shall not be advertised.   

The Commission has defined “Kula” Ltd as a commissioner of an improper advertisement as well, and yet, was unable to impose sanctions for this particular case.


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