April 20, 2015 16:03

The Commission has issued written warnings upon “Orbita 2005” Ltd, “Dani Computers” Ltd and “Goldnet” Ltd

At the session held on April 16, GNCC has issued written warnings upon “Orbita 2005” Ltd, “Dani Computers” Ltd and “Goldnet” Ltd.

In accordance with the Georgian Law “on Electronic Communications,” pursuant to Article 19, authorized persons are obligated to fill out and submit statistical forms online, also, submit tariff calculation forms and pay regulation fees.

Since, all of above-mentioned companies have failed to fulfill their lawful obligations, the Commission has sanctioned them in the form of written warnings.

“Orbita 2005” Ltd, “Dani Computers” Ltd and “Goldnet” Ltd were given period of 10 working days in order to eliminate violations and submit comprehensive documentation. 


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