February 27, 2015 12:00

The Commission has issued written warnings upon TV company “TV8,” Radio “Commersant” and “Radio Voice of Abkhazia.”

On a session held on February 26, GNCC has issued written warnings upon “TV8,” Radio “Commersant” and “Radio Voice of Abkhazia.”

TV Company “TV8” in the scope of private general broadcasting license is obligated to broadcast at least two thematic programs, consisting of news and social-political programming. Based on a monitoring carried out by the Broadcasting Regulation Department of the Commission, it was revealed that the company has no placement of social-political programs through its own broadcasting net, therefore, violating the terms of a license.  During the Commission’s session, the representatives of “TV8” have admitted the violation and have stated that they would offer society social-political programs in the nearest future. The Commission has issued written warning upon “TV8” Ltd and has given company one-month deadline to eliminate the violation. 

On a session held on February 26, The Commission has issued written warning upon media center “for Open Abkhazia” NNLP, the same company also known as “Radio Voice of Abkhazia” on the grounds of placing a weapon commercial. The “Radio Voice of Abkhazia” has aired the weapon commercial with following narration: ““Caliber wishes you a happy 2015 and offers an unprecedented sale- Beret, Benelli, Glock and Cheze brand rifles at the lowest price, if another store offers you lower priced products, Caliber will compensate the difference, all costumers will be given a present, for an information please call…..” Pursuant to article 10 of the Georgian Law “on Advertising” fighting weapons shall not be advertised.  As a reminder, few weeks ago the Commission has sanctioned Radio “Imedi” for placing a weapon commercial as well.

The Commission has issued a written warning upon “Our Radio” Ltd, known by a brand name  “Commersant” for broadcasting of sponsored news. In accordance with the Georgian Law “on Broadcasting,” it is prohibited to sponsor news and social-political programs.


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