December 10, 2014 13:37

The Commission is starting a process of license modification in order to provide fourth generation (4G) broadband services

GNCC is starting the modification of radio frequency spectrum licenses that have been already issued or are being temporarily owned by operators in order to provide fourth generation (4G) broadband services.

In accordance with a resolution N9 of the Georgian National Communications Commission that came into effect on December 4, 2014,the modification of the scarce resources already issued by the Commission will be carried out for the usage of harmonized radio frequency ranges (800/900/1800/2100). License term is defined for the next 15 years based on a principle of technological and service neutrality, giving opportunity to the companies to implement fourth generation (4G) broadband services.

The amount payable by the companies for extension of the term of license for the next 15 years will be calculated based on rules defined by same resolution during the modification of existing licenses for the usage of radio frequency spectrum in harmonized ranges. In this case, at a time of license modification process, the Commission defines the value of one megahertz based on a business modeling methodology.

Commissioned by the Commission, consulting services to determine value of frequency resources in 800/900/1800/2100 MHz bands was provided by PricewaterhouseCoopers Central Asia and Caucasus B.V. Georgia Branch.  The Commission, upon announcement of the contest for the issuance of licenses for  radio frequency spectrum usage, used this particular methodology to determine the value of one megahertz in harmonized ranges in order to implement fourth generation (4G) broadband services. The modification of already issued licenses and/or available licenses for the use of radio frequency spectrum temporarily owned by the operators, will be provided based on the same methodology.


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