January 28, 2015 20:39

The Commission will announce its decision on February 5, 2015, regarding improper placement of an advertisement by broadcasters “Rustavi 2,” “Imedi” and “Radio Imedi,” also, regarding “Geocell” for commissioning an improper advertisement

Today, on a session held on January 28, 2015, GNCC had a discussion about an advertisement placed by a mobile operator “Geocell” featuring the news and social-political anchors of several TV companies. In accordance with the Georgian Law “on Broadcasting,” participation of the anchors of leading news and social-political programs in the commercial advertising is prohibited.Although, the commercial was removed after few days from the broadcast and the violation is eliminated, however, the Commission in accordance with the Georgian Law “on Broadcasting” is still obligated to discuss and make a decision in regards with a violation.

The public session was attended by representatives from TV companies “Rustavi 2” and “Imedi” which broadcasted the above mentioned commercial, as well as the representative from the “Geocell,” company that has commissioned commercial itself. All interested parties were given an opportunity to express their opinions.

On the same session, GNCC has discussed a weaponcommercial that was aired through radio “Imedi.” In accordance with Article 10 of the Georgian Law “on Advertising” fighting weapons shall not be advertised. In this particular case, the commercial is removed from the air and violation is eliminated. The summary of an advertisement is following: “ Caliber wishes you a happy 2015 and offers an unprecedented sale- Beret, Benelli, Glock and Cheze brand rifles at the lowest price, if another store offers you lower priced products, Caliber will compensate the difference, all costumers will be given a present, for an information please call…..”

        The review of both issues is complete. GNCC will announce its decision on a session scheduled on February 5, 2015 at 16:00 pm.


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