October 11, 2014

The meeting of the European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA) in Tbilisi has ended


On October 10th, the main issue for EPRA’s final session was the discussion regarding political and financial independence of regulatory authorities.

An observer from the Council of Europe in Media Division Developments Lejla Dervisajic highlighted in both, political and financial terms the importance of independence of regulatory authorities’ from the government’s influence, as well as, the importance of the journalism and the necessity of the journalist’s protection. According to her statement, it is in the agenda to establish more effective media self-regulation mechanism during the coverage of libel, juveniles and minorities.

The guideline and research documents regarding media issues were presented by the Euro Council’s delegates from the European Audiovisual Observatory.

The delegates from the broadcasting regulatory agencies of  Ireland and Spain discussed their future working  plans in order to provide various types of services and the diversity of the content. In conclusion, on EPRA’S conference, the delegates agreed on the importance of media responsibility (Responsible Content)

At least 130 delegates from 52 regulatory agencies of more than 40 European countries visited Georgia to attend 40th EPRA Meeting. The main guests consisted from senior officials of European broadcasting regulatory authorities. The conference was being attended by the observers from Euro Commission, Council of Europe, OSCE The Representative on Freedom of the Media and European Audiovisual Observatory.

The conference for European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA) was hosted by the Georgian National Communications Commission. The 41st EPRA meeting will be held in the city of Bern, Switzerland on May 2015.



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