September 30, 2014

The survey research of fixed and mobile internet market

GNCC conducted a survey research of fixed and mobile Internet market.

The Internet market survey is based on research studies commissioned by International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and Euro Commission. The comparative analysis carries out the Internet service fees of European countries, as well as the Internet service fees in comparison with the rest of the world and Georgia’s neighboring countries.  

Based on a research conducted by ITU, in the setting of fixed Internet services -165 countries are being discussed, as for the mobile wireless Internet services - 126 countries. The study demonstrates that the Internet service fee in Georgia is somewhere in between average and below average.

Based on the research document commissioned by the Euro Commission and conducted by “ Van Dijk Management Consultant” in 2013, compared to the world’s leading countries the fee for the Internet services in Georgia is also somewhere in between average and below average.

For more accuracy, the Commission offers the full version of the document about the Georgian market survey of Internet services where the dynamics of Georgian Internet market development is also discussed during  the years  of 2010-2014, available at :   



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