June 27, 2011

Three Regional Broadcasters Were Given a Warning


Along with other items the item regarding the warning of three regional broadcasters was passed at the session held at the Georgian National Communications Commission. These regional broadcasters are:  broadcasting company of Kvemo kartli - Kvemo Kartli TV and Radio Company, broadcasting company of Poti – 9th Wave and Independent broadcasting company of Guria.

The Georgian National Communications Commission is disputing with three companies about violation of the Georgian Law on Broadcasting. The TV companies have violated the rules about placement of feature films in the original language with Georgian subtitles.

The amendments to the Georgian Law on Broadcasting concerning the placement of films in broadcasting net in the original language with Georgian subtitles were made on June 31, 2009. In accordance with the Georgian Law on Broadcasting the Georgian National Communications Commission with involvement of broadcasting companies and other interested parties approved the Resolution N3 by rule of public administrative proceedings on October 30, 2009. The Resolution lays down the rules of placement of feature films of western production in broadcasting net in the original language with Georgian subtitles and the amount of films.

Besides, the Georgian National Communications Commission considered the views of regional broadcasters, unlike national broadcasters (from January 01, 2010) and set a term for regional broadcasters for fulfilling the obligations concerning the placement of feature films of western production in the original language with Georgian subtitles from July 01, 2010. Then on May 14, 2010, the date of the fulfillment of the mentioned obligation was postponed on the basis of a request of regional broadcasters to September 01, 2010 (regional broadcasters were given 10 months for preparation works).

Actually, the Georgian National Communications Commission began monitoring of fulfillment of the above-mentioned obligation in March, 2011, so the Commission gave to regional broadcasters additional 6 month to fulfill the obligation imposed by the Law. The Commission began control in March, 2011. Before, official written notifications were sent to regional broadcasters and meetings also were held with regional broadcasters, where they were informed that the Commission was starting monitoring of placement of feature films of western production in broadcasting net of broadcasting companies in the original language with Georgian subtitles.

Unfortunately, the monitoring results showed that JSC Kvemo Kartli TV and Radio Company, Broadcasting Company 9th Wave Ltd and Independent Broadcasting Company Guria Ltd were violating the Georgian Law on Broadcasting. The primary sanction (not financial) - written warning was imposed on them.


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