July 29, 2016 12:39

Written warnings have been issued on 3 entities authorized for transit of broadcasting – “Geo-TV” Ltd, “Alliance TV” Ltd and “TV Era” Ltd

GNCC has issued written warnings on entities authorized for the transit of broadcasting - ”Geo-TV” Ltd, “Alliance TV” Ltd and “TV Era” Ltd  for the re-transmission of certain broadcasting channels without proper permits and licenses.

”Geo-TV” Ltd has been re-transmitting following broadcastanging channels without proper permits: „ 1st channel of public broadcaster”, “2nd channel of public broadcaster”, “Rustavi 2”, “Imedi”, “Maestro”, “Obieqtivi”, “Kavkasia”, “Adjara”, “GDS”, TV Pirweli”, Silk Universal”, Palitra TV”, “Strereo +”, “Iberia”, “Comedy Channel”, “Ertsulovneba”, “Marao”, “Tabula” , “Kartuli Arkhi”, “ТНТ”, „Пятница“, „СТС”, „TV 3“, „Матч“, “ТВЦ”, “World Fashion”, „Комедия“, “TV XXI”, „Индия ТВ“, „Много ТВ“, „Кухня ТВ“, “TV 1000 HD”,  „Боец”, „Авто+“,  “TV 1000 action”, “TV 1000 RU”, “TDK”,“TV 1000 premium”, “Discovery”, “Animal Planet”, “TV 1000 Mega hit”, “TV 1000 Comedy”, “TLC”, “Nature”, “Euro Sport 1”, “National geographic”, „Че“, “Домашний”, “Кинохит”, “Новое Кино”, “ID”, “Cartoon network”, “Discovery Science”, “Nickelodeon”, “МУЗ ТВ”, „Сарафан“, “Игра”, “HD LIFE”, “RU TV”, “Дом Кино”, “Fox Life”, “РЕН ТВ”, „Киноплюс“, “360”, „MGM“, “Роман”, “Бетселер”, “Shant TV” and “Арена”.

“Alliance TV” Ltd was unable to present relevant documentation permits for the following channels: „ 1st channel of public broadcaster”, “Rustavi 2”, “Imedi”, “Obieqtivi”, “2nd channel of public broadcaster”, “GDS”, “Marao”, “Ertsulovneba”, „Матч“, „Боец”, „Comedy Channel „ TV Pirweli”, „TV Mall“, “Kavkasia”, “Silk Univesal”, “Adjara”, “Enki-Benki”, „Sentanta sport“, “Setanta sport 2”, “Eurosport 2”, “Домашний”, „Кухня ТВ“, “Арена”, “Новое Кино”, “ТНТ”, “Дом Кино”, “Роман”,“Nickelodeon”, „Че“, “RU TV”, “Д”(Russian detective), “TLC”, “МУЗ ТВ”, „Кинохит“,“РЕН ТВ”, „Сарафан“, „Индия ТВ“, „Комедия“, „Много ТВ“, „MGM“, “Shant tv”, “Discovery”, “Бетселер”, “Nat Geo Wilde”, “Nature”, “World Fashion” and “ТВЦ”.

As for „TV ERA“ Ltd, company was re-transmitting following channels without licenses: “Show”, “футбол2”, „Россия 1”, „Еврокино“, “History”,“Домашний”, “Наш футбол,” “футбол 1”, “TV 1000 action”, “СТС”, „TV 3“, „ТНТ 4”(comedy), “Иллюзион +”, „ТНТ“, “футбол 3”, „Арена“,  “Че”,“Viasat sport”, “Игра”,  and “NBC”.

After examining an issue, the Commission has considered, that all three companies violated the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, the WIPO Copyright Treaty, and the Georgian laws “on Copyright and Related Rights " and “on Broadcasting.” According with the Commission’s decision, legal entities have been assigned to immediately cancel illegal re-transmission of above-mentioned channels. 


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