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28, 2024

ComCom Approves the Rules for Access to the Communication Infrastructure, Fee Calculation and Administration of the Unified Information Platform

The Communications Commission has approved the rules for the access of authorised persons to the electronic

27, 2024

ComCom Approves Audiovisual Accessibility Mechanisms for Disabled Persons

To align with the EU's Audiovisual Media Services Directive, the Communications Commission approved regulations on the

27, 2024

ComCom Outlines Ethical Norms and Code of Conduct for Suppliers of Audiovisual Services and Video Sharing Platforms

To align with the EU's Audiovisual Media Services Directive, the Communications Commission approved a code of conduct

21, 2024

Formula, TV Pirveli and Mtavari Arkhi Violate the Legislation by Airing Political Ads Outside the Election Period

The Communications Commission has found that Mtavari Arkhi, TV Pirveli and Formula aired political advertising in

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28, 2024

ComCom Approves the Rules for Access to the Communication Infrastructure, Fee Calculation and...

28 June, 2024 17:08

The Communications Commission has approved the rules for the access of authorised persons to the electronic communication and physical infrastructure, the methodology for calculating the access fee in the event of a dispute, and the rules for the administration of the unified information platform. The adoption of normative acts was assigned to the Communications Commission by the Law On the Sharing of Telecommunication Infrastructure and Physical Infrastructure Used for Telecommunication... more

27, 2024

To align with the EU's Audiovisual Media Services Directive, the Communications Commission approved...

27 June, 2024 17:56

The Communications Commission has issued a written caution to Kavkasia TV for airing political advertising in violation of the law. In June this year, the broadcaster aired an advert where the leader of the political union Lelo Mamuka Khazaradze talks about his book, but also highlights his achievements for the country and makes pre-election promises. He also states that his book presents a plan for achieving EU membership, increasing pensions, establishing a successful European state, and... more

27, 2024

ComCom Approves Audiovisual Accessibility Mechanisms for Disabled Persons

27 June, 2024 17:23

To align with the EU's Audiovisual Media Services Directive, the Communications Commission approved regulations on the accessibility of audiovisual products for persons with disabilities. The regulations oblige media service providers to progressively make their content accessible to people with disabilities, which involves introducing subtitles, sign language and audio description. In addition, the Commission developed the rules for the functioning of the specially adapted online portal... more

27, 2024

ComCom Outlines Ethical Norms and Code of Conduct for Suppliers of Audiovisual Services and Video...

27 June, 2024 16:32

To align with the EU's Audiovisual Media Services Directive, the Communications Commission approved a code of conduct for on-demand audiovisual media service providers, and a code of conduct for video sharing platforms. According to the normative acts, the Commission will establish ethical norms and rules of conduct for service providers based on the Law of Georgia On Broadcasting, namely: justice, right of reply, coverage of court sessions and armed conflict, and inviolability of personal... more

21, 2024

Formula, TV Pirveli and Mtavari Arkhi Violate the Legislation by Airing Political Ads Outside the...

21 June, 2024 14:12

The Communications Commission has found that Mtavari Arkhi, TV Pirveli and Formula aired political advertising in violation of the legislation. In June this year, the aforementioned TV channels aired an advert where the leader of the political union Lelo Mamuka Khazaradze talks about his book, but also highlights his achievements for the country and makes pre-election promises. He also states that his book presents a plan for achieving EU membership, increasing pensions, establishing a... more


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