September 14, 2021 16:13

Audit Report: TV Audience Measuring Company TMI complies to International Standards

“The TV audience measuring company Tri Media Intelligence, which is the official representative of Kantar Media in Georgia, is a well-structured and qualified organisation that meets all internationally recognised standards” – TMI recieved a positive evaluation in every component by the international auditing consultancy firm 3M3A. The audit revealed that the results posted by TMI exceed the requirements in several parameters, meaning that the company outperforms its counterparts in number of the world’s leading countries. 

The results of the international audit, which was ordered by the Communications Commission, were introduced to the representatives of audience measuring firms, advertising companies and media NGOs. The report by 3M3A states that TMI’s operations meet the international standards. The report also highlights the competence of the TMI management and staff, and the company’s high level of transparency. 

The audit examined important criteria such as the company’s baseline study, representativeness and methodology, panel productivity, data volume, design, effectiveness and updating, as well as the recruitment and rotation of the panel member households, baseline study quality control, weighting and questionnaires, adherence to the panel participation instructions and concurrence studies. The auditors also analysed the TV channel referencing, data generation rules, approaches to data validation and rejection, data generation and verification, as well as the data security and reservation systems. The audit concluded that TMI fully complies with the international standards in each of the afore mentioned components, and the system that is in place in Georgia would easily operate in other territories covered by Kantar Media, as well as in any other country. 

There are currently two different sets of figures for the Georgian advertising market available. This circumstance prompted the Communications Commission as the policy maker in the field of broadcasting to express its readiness to support the international audit. The Commission offered both audience-measuring companies in Georgia the possibility of having the audit process carried out by the international audit firm of their choice. Tri Media Intelligence accepted the Commission’s offer, while TVMR Georgia declined. The following broadcasters expressed their opposition to conducting the audit at TVMR Georgia: TV Pirveli, Mtavari Arkhi, Formula and Kavkasia.


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