November 17, 2023 10:13

Chairmen of ComCom and ANACOM Sign a Cooperation Agreement

Chairman of the Communications Commission Kakha Bekauri and the chairman of the Portuguese national regulatory authority for the communications sector (ANACOM) Joao Cadete de Matos signed a memorandum of cooperation memorandum, which serves to deepen the cooperation between ComCom and ANACOM in the field of electronic communications and facilitate information exchange. 

The opening speech was made by Kakha Bekauri, who talked about the cooperation between the Georgian and Portuguese regulators. “ANACOM was the first regulatory body from an EU country to offer us cooperation in 2012,” Mr. Bekauri noted. He went on to review the projects in which both regulators jointly participated. 

During the working meeting organised by ComCom, the ANACOM chairman was informed about the current projects and future plans of the Communications Commission. Furthermore, the parties devised a cooperation and experience-sharing plan that aims to facilitate competition in the electronic communications sector and stimulate activities designed to protect consumer interests. 

Thereafter, Head of the Media Academy Shorena Shaverdashvili showed the guests around the Media Academy and Media Lab, and provided them with detailed information about the projects and activities implemented in the field of media literacy. 

Cooperation includes issues such as enforcement of the infrastructure sharing bill, digital infrastructure mapping, quality of service, spectrum management, and others. In order to study the technical, legal and economic aspects of these issues, the parties agreed to hold bilateral consultations and organise joint seminars, conferences and forums in the field of electronic communications.

The Communications Commission prioritises the sharing of experience with fellow regulators, as analysing the best examples helps implement effective practices and take informed decisions.


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