June 02, 2022 10:18

ComCom: 3.75 Million Subscribers were Using Mobile Internet in 2021

According to the annual report of the Communications Commission for 2021, there are 3.75 million subscribers using mobile internet, representing an increase of 494,000 over the previous year. Silknet had the highest number of mobile internet subscribers last year (1.34 million), followed by Magticom (1.34 million) and Beeline (1.06 million).  

The number of mobile internet users is growing each year, and is currently the equivalent of 109% of the Georgian population. On average, the number of mobile internet users grew by 9.5% annually between 2017 and 2021, while the recent year-on-year growth was 15%. 

Mobile internet traffic increased at a record speed in 2021. Subscribers used a total of 311 petabytes of mobile internet, which is 65% more than in the previous year. This was due to an increase in the number of subscribers and the number of new-generation phones on the market, as well as the development of the 4G network and services. Additionally, there was an increased demand for the internet due to the pandemic. 

In 2021, 4G technology accounted for 91% of total mobile internet traffic, which is 6% more than in the previous year. The growing use of 4G decreases the share of 2G and 3G technologies in online traffic. In 2001, 3G and 2G accounted for 9% and 0.1% of traffic respectively. 

4G technology accounted for 92.5% of traffic at Beeline, 92.3% at Magticom and 87.7% at Silknet.


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