May 01, 2024 18:04

ComCom Announces “Truth or Fiction?” Contest for IX, X and XI Grade Students

The Communications Commission has announced the “Truth or Fiction?” contest for IX, X and XI grade students, which aims to develop fact-checking and critical thinking skills among young people. Interested students can participate in the contest from 1 May until 15 June. 

According to the rules of the contest, participants are required to identify fake news in the media space (internet, television and printed media) that had not yet been confirmed as inaccurate. Using the format of their choice, the students then have to explain how they identified the information, present the relevant source and establish real facts surrounding the case. Competition winners will be selected by a competent jury panel. Winners will receive ultramodern prizes from the Communications Commission, including a MacBook Air 15.3, an iPhone 15 Pro, and an iPad 10.9. 

The Communications Commission has already held ten editions of “Truth or Fiction?” – six for school pupils and four for bachelor’s degree students. Furthermore, up to 150 meetings have been held on the subject of fake news detection, where more than 2400 pupils and 900 university students were trained in media literacy. 

Participants must submit their work for the contest using the following link.


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