October 12, 2023 15:32

ComCom Cautions “Cloud Nine” for Providing Services to Illegal Websites

The Communications Commission has issued a written caution to “Cloud Nine” for providing services in violation of the law. Specifically, as a result of the monitoring carried out by ComCom, it was established that the company which receives internet services from “Cloud Nine” is distributing copyright-infringing websites such as adjaranet.to, adjaranet.com and imovies.cc. 

In June 2023, the Communications Commission informed “Cloud Nine” about the aforementioned facts and set a deadline for preventing the distribution of websites through its services. Afterwards, “Cloud Nine” informed the Communications Commission that it fulfilled its obligations under the law. However, ComCom later rechecked the illegal websites and found that adjaranet.to, adjaranet.com and imovies.cc continued to operate using “Cloud Nine” services. 

Due to the fact that “Cloud Nine” violated the Law of Georgia on Electronic Communications and the Regulation on Provision of Services in the Field of Electronic Communications and Protection of Consumer Rights, the Communications Commission issued a written caution to the company.


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