August 17, 2023 15:28

ComCom Cautions “Magticom” for Unlawful Broadcasting of an 18+ Programme

The Communications Commission has issued a written caution to Magticom for the unlawful broadcasting of a programme unsuitable for minors. In June 2023, the Commission received a public complaint regarding a film containing a sex scene, which was aired at 21:00 by the authorised broadcaster “Magti Kino” owned by Magticom. Based on the complaint, the Commission monitored the programme broadcasted by “Magti Kino.” 

The monitoring identified violations of the Code on the Rights of a Child and the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting. Specifically, broadcasters have the obligation to protect minors from harmful content. To this end, they are prohibited from airing programmes containing sex and graphic nudity between 06:00 and midnight, since such programmes may affect physical or mental health of a minor. 

As Magticom did not commit any similar violations in the past year, the Commission issued the broadcaster with a written caution.


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