May 04, 2023 14:42

ComCom Cautions “Mtavari Arkhi” for Unlawful Product Placement

The Communications Commission has issued a written caution to Mtavari Arkhi for unlawful product placement on air. ComCom monitored all advertising aired by Mtavari Arkhi between 27 February and 6 March 2023 and established that the programmes “Sheni Dila,” “Sheni Shuadghe” and “Mkholod Lelastan” violated both Article 691 of the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting, which prohibits the placement of a product in a way that exaggerates its importance, contains a direct appeal to purchase the product or influences the content of the programme, and Article 67 of the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting, which states that in case of sponsorship, it is inadmissible to directly appeal to the acquisition, supply or consumption of goods. 

Due to the fact that Mtavari Arkhi did not commit a similar violation in the past year, the Commission issued the broadcaster with a written caution.


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