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June 21, 2022 14:56

ComCom Deepens its Cooperation with the Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania to Implement the EU Directive

Representatives of the Communications Commission visited the Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania for the purpose of deepening cooperation and implementing the EU Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD). During the visit, Commissioner Ivane Makharadze and Head of the International Relations and Project Management Service Nino Grdzelishvili held meetings with Lithuanian colleagues, including the chairman, members and heads of various departments of the Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania. The parties discussed Lithuania’s experience in implementing AVMSD, as well as the challenges and other aspects related to the directive. They also talked in detail about the activities aimed at tackling illegal online content and the current situation in Lithuania in this regard.

The Communications Commission and the Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania signed a memorandum of cooperation to facilitate the exchange of information and experiences between the parties. Furthermore, the Commission will be more actively involved in future international events organised by the Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania. The memorandum was signed by Commissioner Ivane Makharadze and Chairman of the Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania Rimantas Bagdzevicius.

“In light of the numerous significant challenges in the audio-visual sector, international cooperation with fellow regulators becomes particularly important. I would particularly highlight the experience of the Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania in regulating broadcasting content,” Ivane Makharadze stated.

During the visit, Ivane Makharadze also met the new chairman of the Communications Regulatory Authority of Lithuania (RRT) Jurate Soviene and other new members of the organisation. The Communications Commission and RRT have a long history of close cooperation in bilateral and multilateral formats.


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