June 29, 2023 15:31

ComCom Extends the Deadline for Mandatory Access of MVNOs to 30 June 2024

The Communications Commission has extended the deadline for mobile operators to implement the regulation on mandatory access of mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) by 1 year. The Commission, together with European experts, is currently carrying out a comprehensive study of the telecom market. Therefore, the Commission deemed it appropriate to use the results of the completed study for guidance, and identified the need to review the decision on mandatory access. 

In 2019, ComCom decided that authorised persons with significant market power in the wholesale market segment of mobile network services, namely Magticom, Silknet and VEON Georgia (Cellfie Mobile), would be obliged to allow MVNOs access to their networks. However, to allow parties to conduct negotiations, the Commission considered it appropriate to monitor the process and set a deadline of 30 June 2023 for the network operators to issue their offers to the MVNOs. 

Following the Commission's decision, the first virtual mobile operator Hallo launched its activities, but the process of negotiations between network operators and other companies seeking access was delayed, and an agreement could not be reached. 

In 2022, ComCom launched a comprehensive telecom market study as part of the EU-funded Association Agreement Facility project. The study involves EU experts selected by the AA Facility project and aims to identify the barriers to entry into the fixed and mobile service markets and determine mechanisms promoting competition. Therefore, the study will evaluate the existing competition in the telecom market and, if necessary, determine the relevant regulated markets and operators with significant market power, and impose specific obligations in accordance with the legislation. On the one hand, this will ensure access to various telecom services, and on the other hand, it will give small companies the opportunity to develop their activities and create alternative communication offers. Network owners will be able to utilise the capabilities of their own network.

Due to the scale of the comprehensive study in terms of the scope of work, the completion of the project is expected after 2023. Therefore, the Commission decided to amend the decision “On the Results of Research and Analysis of the Competition in the Relevant Segment of the Wholesale Market of Mobile Network Services” and to postpone the implementation of the obligation for mobile operators to give MVNOs network access until 30 June 2024, allowing the Commission to make effective decisions taking into account the results of the study. 

According to the Communications Commission, the removal of barriers to entry into the telecommunications market is of utmost importance for enabling access for mobile virtual network operators, as well as to the Bitsream segment of the fixed services market. This will help create a competitive environment and accessible services in the retail service market, as well as implement innovative services.


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