May 11, 2023 15:47

ComCom Fines “Rustavi 2” GEL 2500 for Unlawful Product Placement

The Communications Commission has fined “Rustavi 2” for unlawful product placement on air. In April 2023, ComCom monitored the broadcaster and found violations of product placement and sponsorship rules in the shows “Good Morning Georgia,” “Shuadghe” and “Paata Guliashvili Show.” Specifically, the broadcaster violated the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting, which prohibits the placement of a product in a way that exaggerates its importance, contains a direct appeal to purchase the product or influences the content of the programme. 

Due to the fact that “Rustavi 2” had already committed a product placement violation in the past year and had been issued with a written caution by the Communications Commission, the broadcaster was fined GEL 2500 for repeat violation.


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