July 03, 2023 10:55

ComCom holds a Conference on Telecommunications and Digital Literacy at the Digital Transformation Forum

As part of the Digital Transformation Forum, the Communications Commission hosted its third meeting on the subject of inclusive digital transformation and development of telecommunications and digital literacy. The forum was organised by the Georgian ICT Cluster with the support of the USAID Economic Security Programme and other donor organisations, with the aim to develop the country’s digital capabilities. 

With regards to digital literacy, the discussion focussed on the topic of integration of media literacy into formal education. The discussion was moderated by ComCom member Natia Kukuladze, who talked about the role of the Commission in the field of media literacy: “Technological development is accompanied by global threats such as disinformation and propaganda. Regulatory bodies are responsible for ensuring the development of digital and media literacy in response to technological progress. That is why we at the Communications Commission, similar to our colleagues from other European countries, are required by law to develop media literacy in Georgia. I am delighted to say that we have already implemented numerous important media literacy projects with impressive results.” 

Participants in the discussion included the Head of the ComCom Media Literacy Department Mariam Dakhundaridze, Deputy Head of the Department of Pre-School and General Education of the Ministry of Education and Science Mariam Chikobava, TPDC project manager Khatuna Tsikhelashvili, Head of Communications at UNICEF Maia Khurtsikidze, media literacy expert Marika Sikharulidze and trainer Manana Jincharadze. 

During the session, participants discussed the importance of integrating media literacy into formal education, the related challenges and achievements in this field, as well as the opportunities for teaching media literacy in schools. They also discussed the existing needs and the international experience of integrating media literacy into formal education. Along with other important issues, the session was also devoted to discussing joint future undertakings. 

In 2022, the Communications Commission, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science and with the financial support of UNICEF, started the project to integrate media literacy into formal education. The project serves to introduce media literacy as an optional subject for secondary school students. To this end, the Commission created educational resources through which up to 600 teachers were trained in teaching media literacy. To further enhance the qualifications of the teachers, the Communications Commission signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Teachers’ Professional Development Centre (TPDC) and UNICEF, which involves promoting the integration of media literacy into formal education through joint efforts.


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