November 29, 2023 11:28

ComCom Hosts the Chairman of ComReg

The Communications Commission hosted a working meeting with the Chairman of the Irish Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) and current EaPeReg Vice-Chairman Robert Mourik in order to enhance mutual cooperation. 

The opening statements were made by ComCom member Ekaterine Imedadze and ComReg Chairman Robert Mourik. Afterwards, Head of the Competition and Market Regulation Department Eka Sichinava and Head of Technology and Spectrum Department Sandro Karumidze told the guests about the ongoing projects of the Communications Commission, including the comprehensive study of the telecom market, enforcement of the law on the sharing of infrastructure, and Georgia’s inclusion in the EU Roaming Zone. At the end of the meeting, the parties summarised the issues at hand and discussed the opportunities and practical ways to enhance cooperation. 

As part of his visit, Mr. Mourik visited the ComCom Media Academy and Media Lab, where he received detailed information from the Head of the Media Academy Shorena Shaverdashvili about the media literacy projects and other activities implemented by the Academy. 

The Communications Commission continues to prioritise close cooperation and experience exchange with fellow regulators.


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