June 01, 2022 14:26

COMCOM: In 2021, the Number of Fixed Internet Subscribers Exceeded One Million

According to the 2021 annual report of the Communications Commission, the number of fixed broadband internet subscribers in Georgia reached 1,009,000, of whom 962,000 are natural persons. The number of subscribers increased by 41,000 (4.3%) year-on-year. 158 more villages across Georgia were using fixed internet in 2021 than in 2020.  

The use of fixed broadband internet services in Georgia is growing both in terms of subscriber numbers and revenues. The subscriber density per household is 86.7%. 

Magticom has the highest number of natural subscribers (474,000), followed by Silknet with 286,000, Akhali Kselebi Group with 59,000, Skytel with 50,000, and other small and medium companies with a total of 94,000 subscribers. 

As was the case in 2021, there was higher growth in the number of subscribers in the provincial regions. The number of regional subscribers increased by 7% year-on-year, while the broadband service market in Tbilisi is almost completely saturated. The number of fixed broadband subscribers is growing particularly fast in the towns and villages where the optic-fibre network is being developed. 

Fixed broadband internet is available in all cities and towns of Georgia, as well as in 2351 of 3385 villages. 

Parallel to developing broadband infrastructure, the Commission is also implementing the Log-in Georgia project with the financial support of the World Bank and the European Investment Bank. The goal of the project, which supports the State Internetization Programme, is to enable up to 500,000 natural persons in 1000 villages to gain access to affordable high-quality internet and digital services.


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