May 31, 2023 14:43

ComCom Launches a Comprehensive Study of the Telecom Sector in 2022

According to the 2022 activity report, the Communications Commission launched a comprehensive study of the telecom sector together with European experts to remove barriers to entry into the mobile and fixed markets. To this end, the Commission will assess the development capabilities of the sector, accessibility of communications services and competition in the telecom sector, and establish whether there is a need for ex-ante regulation of wholesale markets such as the Bitstream segment, infrastructure access and internet transit markets, as well as the wholesale mobile service access market. 

At the next stage of research, based on the recommendation of the European Commission, operators with significant market power and an appropriate regulatory framework will be identified. On the one hand, this will enable access to various telecommunication services, while on the other hand, it will give small companies the opportunity to enhance their activities and create alternative communication offers. 

The project is funded by the EU-Georgia Association Agreement Facility. Together with the Communications Commission, the project is being implemented by Croatian, Belgian, Slovenian and British experts from the telecom industry, who have substantial experience in implementing international projects. 

In 2022, ComCom also assessed the environment for granting access to mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs). Based on this assessment, the Commission considered it appropriate to monitor the process and extend the implementation of the regulation on mandatory access to the wholesale segment of the mobile network by 6 months to ensure that negotiations between the MVNOs seeking access and the network owners could be conducted effectively. 

One of the main goals of the Communications Commission is to bring the legislative and regulatory framework and standards in the telecom industry fully in line with successful European practices. In turn, this is an obligation assumed by Georgia under the Association Agreement.


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