March 28, 2024 12:31

ComCom Media Lab Holds a Seminar on Startup Development

The Media Lab of the Communications Commission held a seminar titled “What Happens After Financing?” for startuppers who have already obtained the GEL 150,000 GITA grant. The meeting was chaired by entrepreneur and technical commercialisation expert David Chechelashvili who shared his experience in the field of startup management and development with the participants.

During the meeting, participants learned about the ways to solve the obstacles that startups face even after obtaining financing, namely: how to decide what the next step should be, how to continue developing the product, how to get closer to the customer, and how to seek further funding. In addition, the participants had the opportunity to discuss the examples of their startups and ask relevant questions to the trainer.

For more than four years, the Media Lab has been holding important lectures and seminars to support and promote startups.


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