June 01, 2022 17:22

ComCom Member Ekaterine Imedadze Talks about the Importance of Telecommunications at the WSIS Forum

Communications Commission member Ekaterine Imedadze took part in a session of the high-level World Summit on the Information Society Forum, titled “Enabling Environment.” In her speech, Ms Imedadze talked about the role of regulatory bodies in providing an enabling environment for the development electronic communications and media. She highlighted the need to create an adequate regulatory environment and develop the digital eco-system. 

Ekaterine Imedadze also talked about the Commission’s plans and important decisions regarding the opening of fixed and mobile markets. According to her, the Commission is creating an attractive and competitive environment for market players based on various European models, in order to facilitate investment. She also spoke about Georgia's regional potential, noting that it is important for the Communications Commission to establish a data exchange centre within the country and turn Georgia into a digital hub in the South Caucasus by using underwater digital corridors. 

“The Communications Commission, as the body responsible for regulating the broadcasting and telecom sectors in Georgia, set itself the goal of facilitating development in the telecommunications industry. Our main task is to enhance access to digital services and increase consumer trust. To this end, our activities are aimed at promoting investment in infrastructure, ensuring an adequate regulatory environment and developing a digital ecosystem. I must also mention the State Internetization Programme and the Log-in Georgia project that is being implemented with the support of our partners – the World Bank and the European Investment Bank. The aim of the project is to support the development of infrastructure, as well as to promote the use of digital services by increasing digital literacy. As a result of the project, an additional 1,000 villages and half a million citizens, including those in the highland regions, will have access to the internet and services such as e-health, online education and e-governance,“ Ekaterine Imedadze stated. 

WSIS Forum is jointly organised by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the United Nations. During the event, information and communication experts, policy makers and representatives of regulatory bodies discuss current issues related to the development of information and communication technologies. The forum conclued with high-level political sessions, in which policy makers and heads of regulatory bodies introduced their views on important topics related to the development of the sector. 

Apart from Ekaterine Imedadze, participants in the session included the Head of Regulatory and Market Environment Division of the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau Sofie Maddens, Permanent Observer to the UN of the International Chamber of Commerce Andrew Wilson, Chief Legal and Compliance Officer of Tata Communications Troy Reynolds, as well as the heads of regulatory bodies of Namibia, Ghana, Malaysia, Samoa, Cambodia and China.


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