October 13, 2023 13:43

ComCom Member Ivane Makharadze Discusses the Media Environment and Telecom Projects with EU Representatives

Communications Commission member Ivane Makharadze assessed the current environment in the media and telecom sector in Georgia during the meeting of the 4th thematic group of the sub-committee on economic and sectoral cooperation of the Georgia-EU Association held in Brussels. The meeting aimed to summarise the results achieved by Georgia with regards to integration into the European Union in the fields such as information society, audio-visual and media sector, science and technology, education, training and youth, culture, as well as physical activity and sports. 

During the meeting, the parties discussed the ongoing work process to bring the Georgian legislation closer to the EU's audio-visual media services directive. 

During his speech, Ivane Makharadze provided the representatives of the European Union and the European Commission with detailed information about important developments in the field of telecommunications in Georgia and ComCom projects, including the 5G auction and the ongoing comprehensive study of the telecom market. 

The EU delegation, led by the head of the European External Action Service and OSCE Division Eduard Auer, gave a positive assessment of the adoption of the law on sharing telecom infrastructure and physical infrastructure used for telecommunication purposes in Georgia.


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