October 05, 2023 13:21

ComCom Member Talks about Georgia’s Potential as a Digital Hub at the Four-Lateral Summit

Communications Commission member Ekaterine Imedadze and othe ComCom representatives took part in the four-lateral summit of electronic communications regulatory bodies organised by the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC), the Euro-Mediterranean Regulators Group (EMERG), the Eastern Partnership Electronic Communications Regulators Network (EaPeReg), and the Latin American Forum of Telecommunications Regulators (REGULATEL). The goal of the summit was to discuss topical issues in the field of electronic communications, share experience, deepen cooperation and plan joint activities. 

A panel discussion was held within the framework of the summit, the main topic of which was international connectivity. ComCom member and current EaPeReg chair Ekaterine Imedadze took part in the discussion, where she focussed on the importance of creating an international digital connection corridor between Europe and Asia through the Black Sea, as well as on the prospects of establishing Georgia as a digital hub and creating a data centre in the country. "Georgia has significant potential to become a regional hub providing digital services, which in the short term will have a positive impact on the local market, while in the long term, it will help better position our country to assume a leading place in the growing global and regional digital economy," Ms Imedadze stated. During her speech, she also reviewed the efforts and future plans of the rest of the EaPeReg member states with regards to ensuring international connectivity. 

Parallel to the summit, ComCom representatives held a meeting with the current and future chairs of BEREC, where they discussed the issue of the accession of the Communications Commission to BEREC. Meetings were also held with representatives of the regulatory bodies of Ireland, Portugal, Malta and Poland, during which the important news in the Georgian telecommunications market and opportunities for strengthening mutual cooperation were discussed.


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