October 24, 2023 12:58

ComCom Opens the Media Literacy Week with the Teachers’ Forum

The Communications Commission opened the Global Media and Information Literacy Week with a meeting with teachers at the Ministry of Education and Science, which included a presentation of the new media literacy standard and textbook. The forum was attended by up to 60 teachers, with another 40 individuals joining in online mode. The opening speeches were made by ComCom member Natia Kukuladze, Deputy Minister of Education Tamar Makharashvili, UNICEF Georgia representative Jesper Moller, and Teachers’ Professional Development Centre (TPDC) director Berika Shukakidze, who talked about the importance of integrating media literacy into formal education.

The opening part of the event was followed by Deputy Head of the Department of Pre-School and General Education Mariam Chikobava talking about the advantages of introducing the educational media literacy standard and media literacy as an optional subject at schools. Afterwards, textbook author and media literacy expert Natalia Ingorokva presented the media literacy textbook to the participants, informing them about the purpose of the book and the main topics that it covers. The meeting was concluded by TPDC representative and trainer Manana Jincharadze, who chaired a seminar on the practical use of the textbook and provided teachers with interesting advice on teaching media literacy.

In 2022, the Communications Commission, with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science and the financial backing of UNICEF, launched the project to integrate media literacy into formal education. During the initial stage of the project, the Commission carried out research about the media literacy needs in different regions of Georgia. Based on the results of the study, the Commission then delivered the educational media literacy standard, training module and textbook for teachers. These resources were used to train up to 600 teachers across Georgia in teaching media literacy. In 2023, the Commission delivered additional resources created within the framework of the TPDC project for further training of the teachers.

The project to integrate media literacy into formal education serves to add media literacy as an optional subject for X, XI and XII grade students and to raise awareness about media literacy, media and information language, information processing and misinformation among youngsters.

The Media Literacy Week, which aims to raise public awareness about the importance of media literacy, has been held annually following the 2021 UN resolution.


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