December 09, 2022 12:56

ComCom Presents Competition Trends on the Telecom Market to International Partners

Representatives of the Communications Commission presented the latest regulatory and development trends in the Georgian telecom sector to American and European partners. The participants of the meeting, which was organised by the United States Commercial Law Development program (CLDP), learned about the regulation of competition in the field of broadcasting and electronic communications, the powers of the Communications Commission to enforce competition laws, and the latest trends on the regulated markets in Georgia.

Head of Telecom Market Regulations at the Communications Commission, Ekaterine Sichinava, provided the international partners with an overview of the Georgian telecom market and discussed the market trends, including the fixed and mobile communications and broadcast transit in detail. Ms. Sichinava highlighted the methodological rules of market analysis and talked about the comprehensive study of mobile telecom markets.

Lawyer Levan Maisuradze focussed on the powers of the Commission in enforcing competition laws. He provided an overview of the relevant Georgian legislation and practices. He further informed the participants about the existing competition regulations and mechanisms in the field of electronic communications, and the legislative framework for electronic communications and broadcasting.

The three-day event on the subject of “Competition in the Telecom Industry” is organised by the United States Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP) with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Tbilisi, with the funding from the U.S. State Department and in cooperation with the U.S. Justice Department, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission and the EU-Georgia Twinning Project.


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