December 11, 2023 16:08

ComCom Representatives Take Part in Regional Cyber Security and IT Innovations Conference

Communications Commission member Ekaterine Imedadze and Head of Technology and Spectrum Department Sandro Karumidze took part in the regional cyber security and IT innovations conference (GITI). In her opening speech, Ms Imedadze talked about Georgia’s technological development as a precondition for economic success. Furthermore, she discussed the role of the Communications Commission and noted that in its role as the independent industry regulator, ComCom views the development of technologies and digital ecosystem in Georgia as highly important. More specifically, she highlighted the removal of telecom market entry barriers and implementation of innovative telecommunication models, which according to her will ensure access to diverse high-quality telecom services in Georgia. 

The opening part was followed by a panel discussion on the development of the national digital ecosystem, during which Ekaterine Imedadze summarised the opportunities for the development of Georgia’s digital economy: “I believe that the telecommunications sector has one of the most important supporting roles with regards to developing the digital economy, realising the country's digital potential and establishing advanced global positions in this field, because digital services must pass through the telecom infrastructure. The Communications Commission includes this task among its priorities. A harmonised and open regulatory environment, innovative and accessible telecommunication services, as well as transparent and fair conditions for access to the telecom infrastructure will help establish Georgia as an information and communication technology hub connecting Europe and Asia,” Ms Imedadze stated. 

The second panel session of the event was devoted to the sharing of best practices for facilitating business procedures. In his speech, Head of Technology and Spectrum Department Sandro Karumidze talked about the prospects for the development of 5G in Georgia and provided an overview of 5G implementation activities carried out by ComCom thus far.

The meeting served to present the role of IT in the socio-economic development of Georgia, to connect stakeolders, to raise awareness about the importance of cyber security, and to share experiences. The event was supported by the ICT Business Council of Georgia and the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia.


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