December 28, 2022 15:13

ComCom to Chair EaPeReg

At the 20th plenary meeting of the Eastern Partnership Electronic Communications Regulators’ Network (EaPeReg), the Communications Commission was elected to chair the platform in 2023. 

The plenary meeting, which was organised by the Czech Telecommunication Office (CTU) with the support of the European Commission, was attended by the Commissioner, Ekaterine Imedadze, Head of IR and Project Management Service, Mzia Gogilashvili, and Head of the EaPeReg Spectrum Experts Working Group (SEWG), Roman Kurdadze. During the meeting, ComCom representatives presented the 2023 EaPeReg action plan that was unanimously approved by the participants. The plan includes the signing of regional roaming and spectrum agreements, deepening of the cooperation between the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC), the European Mediterranean Regulators Group (EMERG) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), as well as active involvement in the telecommunications component of the EU4Digital project initiated by the European Commission. 

The Eastern Partnership Electronic Communications Regulators Network was formed in 2012 at the initiative of the Portuguese national regulatory authority for the communications sector (ANACOM) and with the financial backing of the European Commission. EaPeReg incorporates the electronic communications regulatory bodies of the Eastern Partnership countries (Azerbaijan, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Ukraine), North Macedonia and European Union countries such as Austria, Germany, Spain, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Hungary and Czech Republic. The aim of the network is to promote European integration of the partner countries through the development of electronic communications markets in these countries. 

The Communications Commission has been chosen to chair EaPeReg for the third time. The Commission chaired the network together with the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) in 2015, and with the Latvian Public Utilities Commission (SPRK) in 2019. In 2023, vice-chairmanship of EaPeReg will be assumed by the Commission for Communications Regulation of Ireland.


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