September 05, 2023 14:28

COMCOM Trains 100 Locals in Ambrolauri in Digital Literacy

As part of the Digital Support Programme, the Communications Commission trained has 100 locals in the villages of Nikortsminda, Sadmeli, Chrebalo and Kvatskhuti in the Municipality of Ambrolauri in digital literacy and safe use of the internet. With the help of specialists, beneficiaries learned how to search for information, create and use e-mail, use Google Maps and Google Translator, share locations and use online communication tools.

As of now, around 2900 beneficiaries in the municipalities of Ambrolauri, Ozurgeti, Kobuleti, Khelvachauri, Chokhatauri and Samtredia have received training under the Digital Support Programme.

The Digital Support Programme is part of the Log-in Georgia project, which aims to provide around 500,000 people in 1000 villages and rural settlements in Georgia with access to affordable high-quality internet services, as well as to help develop digital skills and facilitate the use of digital services. The project is co-funded by the World Bank and the European Investment Bank.


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