May 22, 2023 16:26

ComCom Trains 140 Students from Villages near the Line of Occupation in Media Literacy

The Communications Commission has held a media literacy seminar titled “Truth or Fiction?” for around 140 students from villages located near the line of occupation, including Zemo Nikozi, Kvemo Khviti, Ditsi, Mereti, Plavi and Ergneti. During the meeting, youngsters learned about ways of detecting fake news. 

The seminar was chaired by representatives from the Media Literacy Department of the  Communications Commission. Together with the IX, X and XI grade students, they discussed the importance of critically assessing information, identifying disinformation and media literacy as a whole. 

For more than five years, the Communications Commission, has been organising lectures and seminars aimed at raising awareness about media literacy among teenagers, parents and teachers.


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