November 11, 2022 10:43

ComCom Trains 250 Students in Kakheti in Media Economics and Safe Use of the Internet

The Communications Commission has trained 250 students in Telavi and Gurjaani to develop their media literacy skills. Seminars for primary and secondary school pupils were held as part of ComCom projects “Media Economics” and “Happy Onlife.”

IX, X and XI grade pupils from School N1 and School N4 in Telavi, School N1 in Gurjaani and public schools in the village of Gurjaani obtained full information about social media funding sources. They also learned about the role of each user in social media funding, and about social media economics in general. High school students learned about algorithms on various platforms.

II and III grade pupils from the same schools learned the rules of safely navigating the internet through the “Happy Onlife” app. The children obtained detailed information on how to protect themselves from online threats and cyberbullying.

“Happy Onlife” is an online app for young people that aims to teach them through games to use digital media safely and responsibly, as well as to critically assess and analyse online content. The app is regarded in EU countries as one of the most effective media literacy projects, and helps parents and teachers to actively pursue the development of the children’s media literacy skills and protect them from cyberbullying. “Happy Onlife” is available free of charge on iOS and Android mobile devices, as well as personal computers.

The media literacy project “Media Economics,” which has been recognised as a successful and effective initiative by EU countries and the Evens Foundation, serves to develop media literacy among young people, and is focussed on teaching the principles of digital media economics. The Communications Commission developed a module of lessons with the author of the course, Director of the Zaffiria Media Education Center Alessandra Falconi, and adapted it specifically to Georgian schools. “Media Economics” is recognised as a unique approach to raising the awareness of young people about media threats. 


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