June 02, 2023 12:24

ComCom Trains 350 Citizens in Digital Literacy in 2022

As part of the State Internetization Programme, which is supported by the “Log-in Georgia” project and funded by the World Bank and the European Investment Bank, several important projects were implemented with the active involvement of the Communications Commission. 

More specifically, the Commission supported the company Open Net in installing an optical network of up to 50 km in Kobuleti, which creates new opportunities for 10,500 residents and private telecom operators. Moreover, the infrastructure built in the Tskaltubo-Tsageri-Lentekhi area includes a 140 km fibre-optic main line, which provides 11,000 citizens with access to high-quality internet, broadcasting, and other digital services. Construction of an optical network also started in the Tkibuli-Ambrolauri-Oni, Chokhatauri-Samtredia and Kobuleti-Khelvachauri areas. Together, these geographic areas cover 570 km and create new opportunities for 68,000 people. 

To support the State Internetization Programme, the Commission has also implemented the Digital Support Programme, which serves to promote the use of the internet, raise digital awareness, and facilitate the use of online services. As part of the programme, the Commission held 30 seminars in the Municipality of Ozurgeti, teaching 350 beneficiaries how to use email, search for information, and safely use communications platforms, electronic public services, and the internet. 

The State Internetization Programme will provide up to 500,000 people in 1000 villages across Georgia with access to high-quality internet and various digital services.


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