June 14, 2022 10:19

ComCom Trains Children in Kutaisi and Mtskheta-Mtianeti in Safe Internet Use and Detection of Fake News

The Communications Commission has trained more than 600 school pupils in Kutaisi and Mtskheta-Mtianeti in media literacy skills. Trainings were held for primary and secondary school pupils, SOS Children’s Village beneficiaries, as well as paerticipants of “Happy Onlife,” “Media Economics” and “Truth or Fiction?” projects. 

300 primary school pupils of School N17, School N21 and Progress School in Kutaisi, as well as over 50 pupils of School N1 in Mtskheta and the public schools of Vaziani village, learned the rules of safely navigating the internet through the “Happy Onlife” app. The children obtained detailed information on how to protect themselves from online threats and cyberbullying. 

IX, X and XI grade pupils from the same schools were trained in media economics and fake news detection techniques. 200 pupils in Kutaisi and 40 in Mtskheta and Vaziani learned about social media funding and algorithms on various platforms. The children also learned to detect fake news, verify sources and establish true facts. The knowledge obtained during the training will help the high school students prepare submissions for the media literacy contest “Truth or Fiction?”


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