June 20, 2022 14:41

ComCom Trains the Population of 10 Villages in Ozurgeti in the Use of Digital Services

As part of the Digital Support Programme of the Log-in Georgia project, the Communications Commission continues to train the rural population in the Municipality of Zugdidi. Additional 10 trainings in the use of digital services were held in the villages of Tskhemliskhidi, Kveda Bakhvi, Zeda Bakhvi, Baghdadi, Zeda Uchkhubi, Kveda Dzimiti, Zeda Dzimiti, Nagomari, Vaniskedi, Okroskedi, Mtispiri and Tkhinvali. The specially designed programme teaches citizens important topics such as safe use of the internet, information search methods and internet for communication (useful online apps). 

The Log-in Georgia project is co-funded by the World Bank and the European Investment Bank. It is implemented to support the Georgian State Internetization Programme. The project aims to provide around 500,000 people in 1000 villages and rural settlements in Georgia with access to affordable high-quality internet services, as well as to help develop digital skills and facilitate the use of digital services. The project will ensure that up to 29,000 people in 49 villages in the Municipality of Ozurgeti will receive access to high-speed broadband internet. The Digital Support Programme of Log-in Georgia is implemented by the Communications Commission. Trainings in the Municipality of Ozurgeti began in May this year.


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