October 24, 2022 11:19

ComCom will Hold the Global Media and Information Literacy Week on 24-28 October

The Communications Commission will organise the second Global Media and Information Literacy Week in Georgia on 24-28 October. The event takes place as part of the 2021 UN resolution that aims to raise public awareness about the importance of media literacy. 

As part of the Media Literacy Week, the Commission will hold various educational and awareness-raising events in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science, the Media Academy, as well as universities and schools. Numerous activities are planned in Tbilisi and other regions, involving school pupils, students, teachers and parents. All public schools across the country will mark the Media Literacy Day. Teachers will hold lessons on the subject of media literacy and inform the pupils about the negative effects of disinformation. Special posters will display useful advice on the topic of media literacy and the ways to detect fake news. High school pupils will participate in a conference with teachers, where they will discuss the meaning of fake news and the harm that it can cause. There will also be an essay competition among the pupils on topics such as the ways of finding information in the 21st century, and the harmful effects of fake information. Finally, schools will be able to use the questionnaire provided by the Communications Commission to hold a contest among high school students to identify the most media literate pupil. 

In order to raise awareness about children's online behavior and safe use of the internet, the Commission has planned an informational meeting with parents on the subject of current risks of using digital media by young people and the safe use of the internet. A simulation game is also planned for students at the Media Academy, which will help them develop media literacy skills. During the week, the Media Lab will hold a discussion with experts about cyber security, in order to help start-ups identify and overcome the challenges they may face when launching their product on the market. 

The Media and Information Literacy Week will conclude with a conference that will be attended by all stakeholders involved in media literacy development in Georgia, including the representatives of public, private and non-governmental sectors. The conference will assess the current media literacy environment, challenges, and planned projects, and will include a presentation of the media literacy projects implemented by the Communications Commission. Furthermore, there will be two panel discussions about the role of formal and informal education in media literacy development, as well as media standards and the challenge of countering disinformation.    

Georgia was one of the initiators of the UN resolution on the global media literacy week, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 25 March 2021. The media literacy week aims to raise awareness about the media literacy needs and roles in UN member countries. According to the resolution, the global media literacy week will be held during the last week of October each year. This year, the Commission will mark the second Media Literacy Week with various activities that have been described as best awareness-raising examples by the European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA). 


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