November 22, 2022 11:32

Commissioner Ekaterine Imedadze Discusses Georgia’s Potential as a Digital Hub at the Network Operators’ Forum

The Network Operators’ Forum NOG2022, co-organised by the Communications Commission and the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, opened in Tbilisi. The first panel, opened by ComCom member Ekaterine Imadedze, Head of the Department of Communications, Information and Modern Technologies of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development Eka Kubusidze, and RIPE NCC Regional Engagement Manager Vahan Ovsepian, was dedicated to the challenge of international integration of Georgia and the Caucasus region. 

In her speech, Ekaterine Imedadze discussed Georgia’s potential as a digital hub, the economic opportunities of digital corridors, as well as the role of the telecommunications sector and the Communications Commission in the formation process of the hub providing digital services in the region. She further noted that its geopolitical potential, as well as the existing telecom infrastructure and harmonised legislative and regulatory framework enable the establishment of Georgia as a digital hub in the South Caucasus region. 

“Development of the digital market in Georgia and utilisation of the transit potential is already a stated priority in the state strategy. More specifically, we are talking about maximising the transit potential through the broadband telecommunications infrastructure and establishing a digital transit hub that connects Europe and Asia via Georgia. The telecom sector has a major supporting role in the development of the digital economy, the opening of the country's digital potential and the creation of favourable conditions for interregional digital corridors, as digital services must pass through the telecom infrastructure. Moreover, the Communications Commission, as the industry supervisor, prioritises the opening of the telecom market – enabling access to infrastructure, creating a framework for sharing infrastructure and exploiting our country's geopolitical advantages, along with the establishment of a flexible and harmonised regulatory environment to encourage investments in the digital economy. In order to increase the knowledge and potential in the sector, close cooperation is required with regulatory and other leading organisations in this field. The role of the Communications Commission is also important in terms of promoting digital literacy, which is another priority area for our organisation,” Ekaterine Imedadze stated.


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