August 03, 2021 11:02

Communications Commission Launched Pre-Election Media Monitoring

Today, the Communications Commission launched the media monitoring process for municipal elections, which involves carrying out round-the-clock qualitative monitoring of 6 national channels and quantitative monitoring of 50 broadcasters. 

Qualitative media monitoring will apply to the following broadcasters: Georgian Public Broadcaster, Adjara TV of the Georgian Public Broadcaster, Imedi, Rustavi 2, Mtavari Arkhi and TV Pirveli. 

The Communications Commission will periodically publish the qualitative and quantitative reports. The media monitoring process will conclude on the day of the vote. 

Around 30 monitors of the Communications Commission will conduct the media monitoring process in accordance with international standards. The monitors were trained by the Council of Europe media expert and Executive Director of the media monitoring organization Memo 98, Rasto Kuzel. As part of the monitoring process, monitors will examine election advertising, election debates, news and political shows, as well as election campaigns and opinion polls. Apart from the broadcasters, newspapers funded through state or regional budgets will also be subject to monitoring. 

Prior to the start of the media monitoring process, the Communications Commission submitted a written notice to the broadcasters to remind them of their legal duties during the election period and particularities they need to take into account while covering the election period.


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