October 22, 2021 14:27

Communications Commission to Organise Media Literacy Week on 25-29 October

The Communications Commission will organise the first media literacy week in Georgia on 25-29 October. The global media and information literacy week will take place as part of the 2021 UN resolution that aims to raise awareness about the importance of media literacy and related challenges in the UN member countries. 

Together with the Communications Commission the Ministry of Education and Science, National Centre for Professional Development of Teachers, Information Centre on NATO and EU, UNICEF, EU, international experts, NGOs, universities and schools are involved in the media literacy week. 

During the week, the Commission will hold two conferences involving international partners and experts to discuss topical issues such as disinformation, online safety, hate speech, freedom of expression and media impartiality standards. These events will also summarise the activities and projects implemented in the field of media literacy in Georgia. Apart from the conferences, the media literacy week will include various educational and awareness-raising events for school pupils, university students and teachers in Tbilisi and the regions.


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