September 17, 2021 14:18

Communications Commission upholds Complaints from European Georgia and United National Movement against Imedi TV

The Communications Commission has upheld the complaints from the political unions European Georgia and United National Movement against Imedi TV and issued two records of administrative offences to the broadcaster for violating the Election Code of Georgia. 

Imedi TV refused to broadcast the free pre-election advertising submitted by European Georgia due to hate speech content. The broadcaster contends that the video clip includes mockery, insults and unethical content that is prohibited under the terms of the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting. Regarding the free political advert submitted by the United National Movement, the broadcaster states that it cannot air a video clip with criminal content that incites unrest and antisocial behaviour,and encourages criminal activity. 

The Commission examined the advert in question in accordance with the political advertising standards set by the Supreme Court of Georgia (judgment #BS-1168 (K-20) and concluded that the content of the advert did not contravene the general constitutional principles and requirements outlined in the legislation. According to the standards set by the court, political advertising must not propagate war and violence, encourage violent overthrow of the government, encourage religious and ethnic conflict, as well as contain pornography or obscenity that violates dignity and fundamental rights. 

During today’s meeting, the Communications Commission ruled that according to the standards established by the Supreme Court of Georgia, Imedi TV violated the Election Code of Georgia in both cases. Therefore, the Commission upheld the complaint from the political unions and issued records of administrative offences to  Imedi TV. The records will be sent to the court for review. 

The Communications Commission already upheld a complaint from European Georgia againstImedi TV on 12 September and issued a record of administrative offence to the broadcaster. The court shared the position of the Commission and fined the broadcaster GEL 5000.


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