August 04, 2021 10:56

Communications Commission will Train 500 Teachers to Fight Disinformation

“The Challenge of Disinformation: Developing Critical Thinking in Schools” is the name of the project initiated by the Communications Commission, which involves training the teachers in the field of media literacy. As part of the project, which is funded by the European Union and supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, up to 500 public school and vocational educational facility teachers will receive appropriate training to develop the critical and logical thinking skills that are crucial in the digital age. Certified teachers will use the experience obtained during training in practice and share their knowledge with the pupils.

Over the next three months, training will take place in Tbilisi and all other regions of Georgia, including the regions with large ethnic minority populations. Teachers will learn about the negative impact of disinformation and anti-western propaganda and find out about the mechanisms for defending ourselves against such disinformation. Teachers will be taught practical methods of identifying false information through media literacy skills. Furthermore, the seminars will help them obtain full information about European values and the EU-Georgia approximation process.

Teachers will be trained with the help of a creative and interactive module developed by guest experts specifically for this project. The training module is based on modern approaches and covers important topics such as critical thinking, various methods of identifying false information and methods of validating information. The module includes practical assignments. Those who complete them with top scores will receive special prizes along with certificates from the Communications Commission.   

The Commission’s crucial role and effective work in the field of media and information literacy have been acknowledged by international organizations on numerous occasions. The success of media literacy projects formed the basis for the Commission receiving funding from the EU Delegation to Georgia and implementing the project across the country.


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